Friday, September 26, 2014

Wonder-less Friday

Somehow, i loss the excitement of working part time already. Perhaps i know that what i want in my life,is more that having a stable jobs and live a mediocre life. Not saying mediocre life is bad or looking down at people who wish to have a mediocre life. I guess,it because i am still young and i want to try different jobs and wish i can be find something that i really interested in and try to start a business in that area.To be honest,i am interested in quite a number of stuffs and i really want to try all of them.

I have personally have some working experience and meet people who are in their jobs for more that a few decade.When i hear that they stay in their jobs is because of passion and i never quite agree with that statement.Personally i believe that that so-called "Passion" is only something that lass for 5 years at most.Most likely after 5 years,people tend to get bored of what they are doing and stay on because on the money.

Example, When a chef have been cooking for more than 10 years,won't they want to open they own restaurant rather than working for others who are making money off their cooking skills?

Sometime we often chose to "self-denial" the facts and regret later in life why we did not take the opportunities when we are young.Sometimes we are so afraid of what we can achieve because of our surrounding and background.

Guess the reason why i like to take risk is because i have nothing to lose except for my life and i can really give my best shot at the things i want to achieve if i want to and ignoring those that believe i will fail.Rather than say i am unrealistic,i guess i am more of wanting to prove myself to others.Or should i say i am a "好高骛远(  Chinese idiom that describe someone who bite off more than one can chew)" person.

One of my goals in life is to one day be one stage and give talks about the economic and the future.I really get excited when successful people are invited to give a talk about the economic and the future. I am amaze at how some people can have so much visions for the future.Found this video yesterday and watch it and i really like some of the answer that they reply.

Or even better,speaking to thousands of people about your experiences and the journey to success.

This few week,i have been wondering around the towns area alone and kinda have lots of thoughts about lots of stuffs as usual.I am not the kind of person that will plan outings and ask people along because i hate it when a group cannot compromise on a certain things and in the end,no one end up happy.I rather spend time along being carefree and do as i like.But at times,i got to admit,it can be quite bored and lonely.

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