a lot of thing happen during the past one month.my father is jobless for one month because of some thing and he had return to work yesterday.June holiday was fun.last two week of June holiday went to play pool at midnight near janlan bersah stadium with my father and some of his friend.we play form 2am to 5.30am.darm fun sia.they play one table and i play another table because they were gambling.
29 of June went back to school.the school is very kia su sia wear mask and the what plastic cloth.then need taking temperature before going to school.then during lesson,Mr ho say he will be on leave for 3 week like that.
15 of June,hair check.i was caught because of my hair colour.then during the third period,someone called me down to see ms ming then i put a black water colour thing into my pocket and faster run down to the toilet.then at toilet i put the water colour on my hair and trying to cover my hair colour.the water colour is darm smelly sia.then go see ms ming then ms ming give me another chance and want me to dye back my hair.
don know why starting of this semester,don know influence by what thing,i first time actually study in class attentively and making note.i even motivate alloy to play attention in mr sia class and stop sleeping in mr sia class.
that all about the pass one month.and for the pass one month no body give me tags also.maybe everyone is busy for the pass one month.
"today is different from yesterday because you might have do or never do thing that make you regrat.
today is different from tomorrow because you don know what would happen tomorrow but you will live happly and wait for tomorrow to come"
recenly i see many people emo ing so there to stop people from emo ing.